Transforming education in africa

The United Nations Secretary General is convening the global Transforming Education Summit (TES) on Monday, 19th September 2022, during the 77th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) for the world to press a reset on how countries approach and prioritize education. The Summit aims to mobilize a renewed political commitment supported by innovative solutions of high impact to transform education, by revitalizing national and global efforts to achieve SDG4. This important Summit comes at a time when children all over the world are facing the dire consequences of learning loss resulting from school closures related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, it will provide opportunity for the youth to share their vision and make their voices heard, as they come together and join forces to transform education in Africa.
The global platform offered by Transforming Education Summit (TES) is an opportune moment for partners to come together to put the spotlight on education in Africa. It will sustain the momentum that was created with the AU-EU-UNICEF education event ‘Building Skills for the future’ on 20 April 2021 and followed up at the 76th UNGA in 2021 when the AUC and UNICEF convened ministers of educations and development partners to discuss ‘Reimagining Education in Africa” at the margins of the General Assembly. The High-level side-event is at Heads of States and Governments level and aims to galvanize actions for speed and scale in transforming education systems in Africa and ensure that they are effective, efficient, and equitable. Other participants expected are heads of partner organizations, the youth and private sector leaders.