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A3 Joint Statement on the situation in Libya



MONDAY, 25 JULY 2022 (3:00PM)

Thank you Mr. President,

1. I have the honour to make this statement on behalf of the A3 namely (Gabon, Ghana and Kenya).

2. We thank Assistant Secretary-General Martha Pobee for her briefing and welcome the participation of Ambassador Taher El Sonni, Permanent Representative of Libya.

3. We acknowledge the continued useful efforts by the Special Adviser to the Secretary General, Ms. Stephanie Williams, in furthering the dialogue between the Joint Committee of the House of Representatives and the High State Council.

4. We note the progress made during the consultations on Libya’s Constitutional track held from 28th to 29th June in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations.

5. We reiterate that a Libyan led and owned dialogue is the only option for a sustainable solution to the crisis. To this end, the A3 commends the representatives of the two chambers for their efforts to reach consensus and urge them to build on what they have achieved.

6. We also welcome the meeting between General Mohamed Al-Haddad and General Abdel-Razek Al-Nadori. It builds upon the work of the Joint Military Commission (5+5) and the commitments by the parties to ensuring the ceasefire holds.

7. It is crucial that the representatives from both sides continue to work on the formation of a unified structure for the army, and agree on the appointment of a single Commander-in-Chief.

Mr. President,

8. We acknowledge the commitment by the Head of the High Council of State and the Deputy Head of the Presidential Council to review the roadmap initiative for parliamentary and presidential elections. This will help in identifying ways to resolve their differences and move forward with the constitutional track.

9. We are closely following the meetings by Libya’s High National Elections Commission (HNEC) to discuss the development of the voter registration system, and ways to improve it for the upcoming electoral period. It is important that an agreement is reached on election laws as soon as possible to enable the eagerly anticipated elections to take place.

10. These recent events have demonstrated that Libyans can work together across the political divide to achieve peace and security. We must strive to ensure that these processes are inclusive, nationally owned and free from any external interference.

11. However, we call upon the relevant Libyan institutions and authorities to implement confidence-building measures to create an environment conducive for successful national Presidential and Parliamentary elections, including by ensuring the full, equal, effective and meaningful participation of women, and inclusion of youth and civil society representatives, in all activities and decision-making relating to democracy.

12. It is for this reason that the African Union’s commitment to support an inclusive and comprehensive national reconciliation process is so important. We urge all Security Council members to embed this initiative in the mandate of UNSMIL, reflecting its anticipated operationalisation by resolution 2510.

Mr. President,

13. We note with concern the recent clashes between armed groups in Tripoli which resulted in civilian casualties. We urge the leadership and people of Libya to exercise restraint, shun violence and seek to resolve their differences by peaceful means.

14. The continued presence of foreign fighters and mercenaries in Libya can add to insecurity. All responsible parties should therefore support the initiative of the 5+5 JMC to develop arrangements and a national action plan for their withdrawal.

15. This withdrawal requires close monitoring and coordination to ensure corresponding disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration in their countries of origin. Utmost care should be taken to ensure that this process does not create an environment conducive for recruitment into terrorist groups.

16. It is imperative therefore that there is close coordination with the neighbouring states in liaison with relevant regional and sub-regional mechanisms.

Mr. President,

17. We reiterate our deep concern about the suffering of thousands of migrants and refugees in Libya. The persistent interception and return to Libyan ports of migrants crossing the Mediterranean in search of a better life in Europe is not a sustainable solution. Neither is the application of resources to the establishment of inhumane holding areas for them in Libya.

18. We condemn the inhumane treatment the migrants are subjected to on land and sea, and demand that those involved desist from such abuses of human rights and commitments to International Humanitarian Law. We equally condemn the provision of resources and targeted information in support of such treatment.

19. Those involved must abide by the relevant international laws and norms governing migration and the treatment of refugees. They must also cooperate with the international community in consideration of viable ways of addressing the root causes of this migration.

Mr. President,

20. It is necessary that UNSMIL is well structured and effectively led to enable the Council to adequately support Libya. We therefore reiterate Africa’s strong recommendation for the filling of the position of SRSG with a candidate from Africa at the earliest opportunity.

21. We also look forward to the substantial renewal of the UNSMIL mandate to safeguard the gains so far, signal the Security Council’s support and pave way for the implementation of envisaged improvements under the mandate.

22. The people of Libya deserve a mission that can facilitate and support the necessary dialogue and one that should not be held hostage by geopolitical considerations.

Mr. President,

23. We finally urge that any action on Libya’s frozen assets be undertaken in consultation with the Libyan authorities. This, in order to ensure that the country’s frozen assets are preserved for the eventual return to and for the benefit of its citizens.

24. In conclusion, Mr. President, we reaffirm our commitment to a truly-Libyan led and owned peace process, and our respect for Libya’s territorial integrity and sovereignty.

25. Thank you.

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